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Travel Partner

Travel Partner
About us

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Travel Partner

About us


We are a modern tourism company with over 80 employees. Since our founded in 1985, we have lived a technology-oriented and at the same time employee-oriented approach - because their expertise and commitment are the heart of our company.

Our aim is to provide inspiring travel products for B2B tour operators and web platforms with travel-savvy customers, while prioritising personal contact and genuine relationships. Whether employee, supplier or customer, we always focus on genuine, authentic relationships to understand their needs. This enables us to develop customised tourism products based on trust and respect.

Our use of technology is not only for efficiency, but also to prepare for the dynamic digital change in tourism as a modern company, we pride ourselves on always combining tradition and innovation.

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About us


Introduction of the new digital world

The digital transformation is implemented in November 2023.

Development and preparation for digital transformation

The digital transformation is initiated at TRAVEL PARTNER and the structures and processes are aligned for the future.

Handover of the baton

Ronald Hulsebosch joins the Supervisory Board and Michael Poot takes over as CEO.

New ownership structure

Hannes Winkler leaves as founder and shareholder. Michael Poot and Ronald Hulsebosch each hold 50% of TRAVEL PARTNER's shares.

Germany as a Destination

TRAVEL PARTNER expands its tourism activities to include Germany as a destination.


Hungary as Destination

TRAVEL PARTNER expands its tourism activities to include Hungary as a destination.

Relocation to the new company headquarter

The relocation to the new company headquarters lays the foundation for further company growth.

Opening of the branch in Vienna

The opening of the branch in Vienna lays the foundation for the development and expansion of our city business.

Magic Mountains Club Village

Today, the Magic Mountains Club Village is the ultimate summer experience for families in the Alps with the "Tirol-Touristica" award as an innovation in the Austrian Alps.

First “Musikherbst am Wilder Kaiser”

Today, Musikherbst is Europe's largest music spectacle in the Alps and is considered one of the most innovative products in Austrian tourism.

Foundation stone of today's TRAVEL PARTNER GmbH

With the founding of TRAVEL PARTNER Reisen GmbH, Hannes Winkler and Ronald Hulsebosch laid the foundation stone of today's company.

Wasserfall Hintergrund Slider

Travel Partner

What are we doing?


TRAVEL PARTNER is an incoming agency that acts as an interface between tour operators and tourism service providers in countries such as Austria, Germany, Hungary and many other destinations in Central Europe. Our unique position enables us to bridge the gap between the wide-ranging offers in the tourism sector and the actual needs of tour operator offers. 

Our very extensive distribution network, consisting of over 800 tour operators and platforms, ensures that our suppliers - be it hotels, attractions, restaurants or event venues, and many more. - receive maximum visibility in the European market. This is also supported by digital integrations, which enable our suppliers and service providers to be marketed effectively.

We also support tour operators in designing their offers. Thanks to our deep relationships and knowledge of the tourism industry, we offer solid advice to create customised and appealing travel packages that meet the needs of the end customer.
Thanks to state-of-the-art technology at TRAVEL PARTNER, we digitally connect tour operators and tourism providers, promoting tailor-made holiday experiences while guaranteeing efficiency. 

We combine personalised support with innovative digital solutions so that we can always react flexibly and innovatively to the dynamic developments in tourism. 

Moos grün
Moos grün
Travel Partner

What do we stand for?


For us, employees are not just colleagues, but valuable members of our corporate family. Their commitment and expertise is our most valuable resource, which is why their satisfaction and potential is our top priority.


Our customers are our motivation and the centre of everything we do. We strive to exceed their expectations and provide first-class experiences that will be remembered for a long time.


We value our partnerships with suppliers. We foster close relationships based on trust, integrity and mutual benefit. Together we create a win-win situation.

Progress and Innovation

These two forces drive us every day. We rely on modern technologies and creative approaches to constantly improve our services and meet changing requirements.

The Individual

The individual is at the centre of everything we do. We treat our employees, customers and partners with respect, empathy and appreciation.


Sustainability is not a trend for us, but a responsibility. We are committed to environmentally friendly practices and contribute to preserving our world for future generations.

Economic Stability

Our decisions are geared towards ensuring long-term success. We strive for financial solidity in order to sustainably strengthen our company and offer reliability to our employees, customers and suppliers.

Service und Quality

We pride ourselves on our first-class supplier and customer service and do everything we can to offer the best possible solutions and maintain relationships. At the same time, our unwavering commitment to quality excellence is one of the pillars of our success.

Continuous Improvement

We strive to constantly improve and enable our processes, products and services to continuously evolve.

Wasserfall Hintergrund Slider